Commercial Vacancies at Monroe Avenue & South Goodman Street
This page focuses on the current and potential future commercial vacancies at and near the intersection of Monroe Avenue & South Goodman Street.
Last updated
This page focuses on the current and potential future commercial vacancies at and near the intersection of Monroe Avenue & South Goodman Street.
Last updated
Late in 2024 the community learned about Walgreen's intent to close it's retail operation on Monroe Avenue at the corner of South Goodman Street. Around the same time members of the Monroe Avenue Revitalization Coalition (MARC) become aware of other potential commercial vacancies near Walgreens. Alarm bells began to ring around the MARC table. The prospect of multiple commercial vacancies at this important intersection threaten the economic viability of that section of Monroe Avenue.
It's important to remember, commercial vacancies also present opportunities for new growth. For example, products and services currently missing along the Monroe Avenue corridor might find a how in these locations. Members of MARC believe a PROACTIVE approach to filling current and potential future vacancies is essential.
With this in mind members of MARC reached out to Mayor Evans with a request to take action now, before another vacancy is apparent. All local and state officials were copied in on this letter.
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