Conflicts associated with a group of juveniles

Recently a group of juveniles has exhibited undesirable behaviors & is suspected of criminal acts in the area from 7-11 to Luzerne to Rosedale & down Hinsdale putting them in conflict with residents.


First, we will take a moment to address the terms we are using to describe the young individuals at the center of this conflict: young people, young individuals, perpetrators and juveniles.

While the terms "young individuals" and "young people" as well as "children" and "minors" are all true they seem inadequate to task of understanding the context associated with these circumstances. Terms like "perpetrators" and "juveniles" seem better suited even if they carry negative connotations. In our opinion these descriptors offer a more accurate characterization while mindfully avoiding other, stronger and harsher words that risk dehumanizing those whose actions may be deplorable but who's humanity, developmental stage and legal status must be recognized and respected. All this is apart from the myriad legal, economic, social and familial influences out of their direct control that may profoundly affect their behavior.

UMNA recognizes the intense emotional impacts these behaviors have on innocent, largely defenseless residents can result in some people using harsh language. Nevertheless, UMNA has a responsibility to do our best (and encourage others to do so as well) to use language that does not exacerbate the situation.

Expand this section to read the Google Dictionary definition of "juvenile".

ju·ve·nile ˈjo͞ovəˌnīl ˈjo͞ovən(ə)l adjective juvenile

  1. of, for, or relating to young people.

noun juvenile plural noun juveniles

  1. a young person.

Expand this section to read the Google Dictionary definition of "perpetrator".

noun: perpetrator; plural noun: perpetrators

  1. a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

Next, a quick reminder that problems that are easy to address won't end up in this section of the UMNA website. This is a very, very difficult and complex set of problems that combine undesirable and, at times, criminal actions that could escalate with disastrous consequences.

UMNA strongly urges all parties to use measured, non-inflammatory language.

UMNA does NOT support any form of action or direct engagement. Doing so could result in greater risk of harm to all involved.


LINK: County Executive Adam Bello Announces Juvenile Enhanced Diversion Stabilization (JEDS) Program To Address Increase In Teen And Juvenile Offenses.


During the summer of 2024 Upper Monroe neighbors identified a group of 3-5 juveniles (thought to be between 8 and 16 years of age) behaving badly with specific reports/allegations and video evidence of these undesirable activities in process. The reported activities have included repeated trespassing, harassment, threats/confrontations and even allegations of petty larceny and a robbery at a local retail establishment. It was determined that some or all of the perpetrators were residents of Upper Monroe.

The balance of this timeline is only somewhat chronological and not hardly comprehensive. Many of the actions and behaviors described below overlapped and developed over time in a variety of ways. Some activates/actions are not described for one reason or another. Still, we hope it will be helpful to provide a mostly-chronological, somewhat complete narrative...

Early in the process affected neighbors took a number of actions including addressing the juveniles directly (with little to no positive effect). In one instance a confrontation with the group of juveniles resulted leaving neighbors feeling physically threatened. Around the same time, neighbors began calling 911 and engaging with individual RPD officers and others higher up the command chain. Due to the age of the perpetrators, it became apparent legal action is severely restricted. As a result, in addition to other defensive actions taken by residents, video surveillance equipment was installed on residents' own private property. Around the same time a number of neighbors reached out to various agencies, organizations and institutions to invite support for the juveniles.

In the face of extreme frustration and continuing incidents affected residents began alerting the broader community. This was done in direct conversations as well as using online resources like social media.

UMNA was contacted late in the summer of 2024. Several of the affected residents were invited to an UMNA leadership meeting at TRATA restaurant on August 20, 2024. Their situation was discussed at length and UMNA joined their efforts to address the situation by facilitating and supporting opportunities to advocate for solutions.

Over time, as the problems have persisted unabated and the number of affected residents has grown, the circle of community involvement has also grown. A kind of "community in distress" eventually emerged to support each other and join forces to seek solutions. Many of the affected neighbors have individually engaged a wide variety of resources in the community in search of answers. Some have spoken up in public spaces.

Not everyone is willing or able to speak to such issues in public spaces, of course. In this case at least one affected resident has been raising his voice and sharing this story with all who will listen. He has spoken at large meetings as well as small. He has advocated with passion and urgency at every opportunity. Most recently, as a result of following up on a social media post with a notable local radio personality, he was featured on a local talk radio program. You can hear his interview below.

This story continues to unfold moment by moment.

Listener discretion is advised.

Some of the language in this interview may be triggering. The situations described are deeply troubling. Although some of the behaviors have been captured on video and criminal behavior is alleged in the interview, legal criminality has not been established. In any case, the information may trigger a strong emotional response and/or an increased stress level in some listeners.

The Upper Monroe Neighborhood Association strongly endorses an non-violent, legal resolution to this situation.

UMNA strongly urges all parties to use measured, non-inflammatory language.

UMNA does NOT support any form of action or direct engagement. Doing so could result in greater risk of harm to all involved.


Last updated

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