Police Reports
The Upper Monroe neighborhood is in the Goodman Section of the Rochester Police Department and within patrol beat #255 along with portions of East/Park Avenue, Swillburg and Cobbs Hill neighborhoods.
Last updated
The Upper Monroe neighborhood is in the Goodman Section of the Rochester Police Department and within patrol beat #255 along with portions of East/Park Avenue, Swillburg and Cobbs Hill neighborhoods.
Last updated
The Goodman Section PCIC for Sector 6/7 (Upper Monroe area) is held the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. by Zoom. Please contact the SE-NSC office at 428-7640 to get the Zoom link.
Please see the Volunteer Involvement for more information about ways you can become more personally engaged in this arena.
The Rochester Police Department uploads crime data on an ongoing, nearly real-time, basis. The information is publicly accessible and searchable. Certain information may be downloaded and saved. NOTE: Not all information about every incident is accessible by the public due to privacy issues as well as relevant laws & regulations.
Each of the maps shown below illustrates one of four crime categories: homicides, car thefts, property crimes and violent crimes. The maps reflect calculations based on RPD patrol areas also know as "beats". Crime doesn't stop or start based on police beats, of course. To some extent these sorts of maps lump lower crime areas with a given patrol beat with areas experiencing higher incidents of crime in the same beat. As result, beats tend to artificially exaggerate the differences between nearby areas that may not be that different at all if you were to redraw the lines. Never the less, they do give a sense of where certain categories of crimes tended to take place in 2024.
ARTICLE: "On crime, Rochester turned the tide in 2024" as published in the Rochester Beacon on Janary 9, 2025. The article was written by JACOB SCHERMERHORN. The maps below were published as part of this article.
As you can see in the map illustrations of crime statistics from 2024 "Beat #255" (including the Upper Monroe area) experienced relatively high rates of property crimes and motor vehicle thefts, but very low levels of violent crimes and homicides.
When you look at these maps remember the Upper Monroe neighborhood is lumped in with the larger "Beat #255" area. (See the detailed Beat Map #255 above.) Beat #255 includes a section of Swillburg to our west and sections of both Park Avenue and East Avenue to our north and east as well as all of Cobbs Hill Park and the Cobbs Hill neighborhood to our east; quite a large area.