The Emmanuel Baptist Church of Park Avenue and The Upper Monroe Neighborhood Association invite you to join in a community forum to discuss concerns related to the rash of thefts and vandalism affecting nearby neighborhoods and all throughout Monroe County.
It's more important than ever that we come together and address these issues confronting our neighborhoods and city.
After conversations with Mayor Evans and his staff, Michael has ensured and enlisted a broad range of city, county and human service agents to facilitate a rigorous and intentional discussion about the concerns facing our communities.
Please bring your questions and concerns (most importantly if you have specific recommendations or ideas we can consider).
This is one of many opportunities to give voice and agency on behalf of your community. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you. We strongly encourage your continued support and participation in this ongoing process. These issues didn't surface overnight, nor will we resolve them with a couple of community forums.
The forum will be co-facilitated by Michael Marshall, Co-Chair Board of Ministry at the Immanuel Baptist Church and Rome Celli, president of the Upper Monroe Neighborhood Association