Eviction Related Issues
This page shares information about eviction related concerns faced by some renters.
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This page shares information about eviction related concerns faced by some renters.
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Rochester City Council recently voted to opt-in on “Good Cause Eviction” legislation offered by New York State. The New York State legislature developed the law as a template, allowing municipalities around the State to mould the legislation in certain limited ways to meet local needs and interests.
A majority of council members voted to enact the highest standard version of the law offered by New York State. As a practical matter that means the maximum number of tenants will be protected and, by implication, the maximum number of landlords will have to comply.
Proponents believe the law will help with housing & rent stability while opponents are concerned the new law may discourage the development of new housing units and make it harder for smaller landlords to continue; causing a consolidation that results in fewer landlords controlling more of the market.
Still, the new law won’t impact every landlord. Owner-occupied properties with 10 or fewer residential units are exempted as are “luxury” apartments (with rents higher than 245% of fair market rates). A host of other exemptions are also allowed under the new law.
When it came down to the vote not everyone agreed with the proposal. Council Vice President and South District representative, LaShay Harris and Michael Patterson, representing the City’s North East District, both voted “No.”
Click this link to read "Rochester City Council passes Good Cause eviction law" By Justin O'Connor on RochesterBeacon.com - November, 2024
Eviction Prevention Resources - City of Rochester webpage - The City and community partners understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has been an extremely challenging time for tenants and landlords. Many tenants have experienced job loss and reduced income, and have had difficulty keeping up with their rent. According to recent surveys of property owners by Monroe County and City of Rochester in partnership with the Ash Center at Harvard University, approximately 25% of rental units in the city of were behind on their rent as of March 2021. With property owners expected to file a wave of evictions, there is urgency to help connect these families to resources as quickly as possible. The City of Rochester and Monroe County have partnered to implement programs designed to help. Please see below for more information.